Your GPS location finder.
Useful app shouldn`t be missed in any android mobile equipped with GPS.
SOS SMS sender.
Explain why it's best
SOS Morse code in the past. SOS SMS now. 'Save Our Soul' as easily as possible. Do not wait until they start looking for you. Take the first step to save your own life. If you have an accident, Placestor will help to save your life. In such situation, a person is stressed out and under huge physical and mental pressure. Focusing on any activity is very difficult. You want to call for help as soon as possible using the easiest way.
Why I created a Placestor ?
I created a Placestor due to a very serious experience in my life. So, what has really happened?
I had to drive a lot to the remote locations where you hardly found any residence area. I was driving home when suddenly a deer ran into my car and it caused a bad car crash. I couldn’t move, my chest and neck were also injured. I tried to call an ambulance or any help. Mobile phone was ok but the operator reception was really poor. I managed to make a call but it was interrupting all the time. So I decided to send a short text message, thinking it would be ok. So it was. Due to a bad reception there was also a problem with localizing my position.
After recovering in a hospital I decided to invent an application which would be helpful in a situations like happened to me or helpful in any similar situation. I created a Placestor that does the neccessary when needed. If I had had it with me at the time of the accident I would have avoided huge physical pain as well as health complications. If it was up to me, I would have set this application as a mandatory standard mobile equipment as you never know when it can safe your life.
I wish noone would ever need to use it, but, to be on a safe side, rather to have it than it might be you never know...
Based on a true story
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