Useful app shouldn`t be missed in any android mobile.
Mobile application for android mobile
Protect file belongs to the useful apps. It shouldn`t be missed in any android mobile.
Easy to use
Thanks to its easy use, it is user friendly for anyone – younger and also older generation.
It will help you when you need it most.
Useful app
Protect File is a useful application to protect your files of all types.
To protect a file use crypt algorithm using a password. App is optimized for fast using.
No commercials, no decorations, pictures, voice, video, just direct and useful application.
Sharing protect data
Sharing is easy to use. You don´t have to create any account, thus no information
shall be lost. Either you possess the information or the one who you send it to.
You only need – email.
Explain why it's best
Well - arranged orientation.
Easy to use.
Intuitive user control.
Very fast use.
Supports cell-phones and tablets.
How to use (steps):
1. Turn the app on.
2. Select the file.
3. Crypt the file.
4. Send the file (email).
5. Turn the app off.
What is news?
01.09.2017 - Application published and given to sale. (Amazon)
01.09.2017 - Application published and given to sale. (GooglePlay)